At Distinct Medical aesthetics we conduct a full facial assessment on all our patients to examine their underlying structures, facial anatomy and the overlying skin quality. We take a careful, methodical and comprehensive approach to customize a treatment plan that suits each individuals needs. We offer only Health Canada approved products and procedures that are evidenced based and safe for use in facial aesthetics. A natural looking neck rejuvenation is often achieved by combination therapies, strategic planning and carried out over a series of treatment visits.
Are you a good candidate for Neck Rejuvenation?
The following are some common reasons why you may want to consider neck rejuvenation treatments:
- Your neck/ jawline lacks definition and contour
- Your neck has fullness under the chin
- Your neck skin is creapy looking and has loose skin
- Your neck has vertical bands
- Your neck look dehydrated and rough in texture
If you are in good general health, have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are most likely a good candidate for this procedure.
Here are some of our Top procedures for Neck rejuvenation and often performed in combination together to optimize the complete Neck rejuvenation process.
Jawline contouring
As we age we can experience bone resorption particularly along the mandible and jowling as the skin naturally becomes more elastic with the aging process. Dermal fillers injected along the mandible can restore structure to the lower face creating a more defined jawline. Adding volume to the lateral aspects of the jawline can lift the jowls, reducing the wave effect and create a straighter line along the jaw.
Platysma bands are the muscles in the neck that can become more prominent as we age creating visible vertical bands in the neck region. Neuromodulators can be injected into these bands to relax the muscles and smooth the neck area.
Deoxcholic Acid Injections
As we age, or in some cases it’s hereditary, people may notice fullness under their chin sometimes referred to as the double chin. Submental fullness is fairly common and can we treated with a non-surgical injection called Deoxycholic Acid.
Deoxycholic Acid is a chemical compound which is naturally found in the human gut and its primary function is to breakdown fat. We now have this compound available and can carefully target the submental fat with an injection to dissolve the fat cells. This procedure is ideal for mild-moderate submental fullness. Significant submental fullness should consider a consultation for neck liposuction or surgical neck lift with a qualified facial plastic surgeon.
Morpheus8 is a safe and effective non-surgical radio frequency fractionated device for subdermal adipose remodeling. This procedure is great for skin tightening, submental and jowl reduction and can be customized to treat the surface of the skin down to the deep subcutaneous layer. This multi layer technique can be achieved by adjusting the settings for the superficial texture issues at 0.5mm- 1mm to 3mm-4mm for the jowls and submental fullness. The deep thermal coagulation can reduce the fatty tissue and tighten the skin. Ultimately contouring the jawline by reducing the heaviness in the jowls and improving the skin quality on the neck through fractionated RF microinjuries improving the overall texture and tone of the skin. Safe for all skin types.
Skin boosters
Skin boosters are an injectable treatment formulated with hyaluronic acid, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Skin boosters can hydrate, energize and illuminate creapy looking and dehydrated skin. This procedure also improves the horizontal neck lace lines along our neck. This procedure is often done seasonally.
Related Information:
Distinct Medical Aesthetics is proud to serve our clients in Oakville, Burlington, Mississauga, Hamilton, Toronto and throughout the Greater Toronto Area!